Sunday 4 August 2013

Devils in Church Today

Who are the devils in church today? What is their mission? You must find the answers to these questions right here.
 I will start by wishing everyone a happy sunday. There is a saying that 'what you believe, you become', so I charge you to believe that as your week starts today, unlimited blessings hoped for shall hit your doorsteps throughout this week...and beyond. A believer is already saying 'Amen'.
Today, like every other sunday, its mandatory for every christain to go to church. If not, mandatory, the ethics, norms and doctrine of Christianity
include the coming together of believers in fellowship. Sundays happen to be the stipulated days for such fellowship. However, most often than not, we see lots of people who bears the christain name, simply refuse to go to church for no just cause. It's either they went partying last night or they stayed through the night watching movies...and could not wake up in time to prepare for church service. I wouldn't want to delve into another issue of night romance, prostitution, armed robbery, Late night occultic meetings etc as being responsible for stealing your sleep, consequently you sleep at home during church hours. Others simply shy away from going to church. Whatever the reason, I'm not permitted to Judge, so I will not categorically call them devils that refused to go to church and God in Heaven will call them another name. End of case!
However, what about those who diligently go to church on sundays? Well of course, is not a new thing to find sinners in the church. Everyone has fallen short of the glory of God by sin one time or the other. Most of the devil nature some church goers exhibit make me wonder if devil is actually in hell or he gets people possessed and they become devil-like instead of christ-like. Can you imagine, a person going to church because he finds it a lucrative business? I ran into an acquantance and he told me how much money he makes by going to church every sunday. His uncle gives him N3000 for transport fare and offering. He barely spend a thousand bucks out of this. The funny aspect of the whole thing is that he can barely remember any bible verse read in the church let alone recall the significance of the message. He will tell you plainly he is only interested in the 'salary' I mean money. My guy, your case is under review by God if you do not repent.
 Come to think of it, how will a God-fearing guy go to church only with the aim of eyeing and scoping babes? Has the house of God turned to lecture halls? I ponder and I wonder!
I can only say you are heartless in stupidly fearless of the wrath of God.
 On the girls' end, church has now become the last resort where you go to find husbands. In the vain of doing this, you lure 'innocent' guys into temptation by means of the cleavage-revealing blouse and skirt you wear, barely enough to cover your privacy. Who told you to flirt around, not keeping only one man and in the end you are stranded as a second hand woman. You are the girl that knows all the DJs in your neighbourhood- A party freak! You are no more interesting to guys and you think church serves as a husband market. God is definitely watching you on a flat screen HD TV.
What about the literary harbingers of devilish machinations? I mean those who have one deity or the other at home. Watch it! This fellows do not miss a single church service. Infact, God is judging them right away. Maybe they are already becoming a lodge owners in hell if they don't repent. This conclusion is culled from the Bible.
Church leaders cannot by any means be vindicated from this case; devils in church today. There is a saying that the most dangerous fellow is your friend. The arrow that easily hits target is that from the bow of your friend. These men-Ushers, choristers, puppeteers, seem more closer to God in the eyes of men yet their deeds atimes act in opposition to what they stand for. How can a puppeteer (pastor, rev) be having a 'chick' among the choristers? Romance in the church is evil. So you are devils. Apart from this, embezzlement of church money is evil. Be warned! I do not want to cite examples but be warned.
There are very many devils in church today. I may not have stated all of them in this article but, being ambassadors of goodwill in the house of God, do endevour to expose them. Next time, I shall hammer more on this issue as the revelation sets in.
God bless You all!


  1. If there are really devils in church today and it hampers the very essence of evangelism, what are the necessary steps to be taken to curtail this evil.if you are finding answers to this then come to me to find out at :

    1. Well of course I'm glad you may have solution to this menace. Please sir, spread it to the world so that the will of God will be done. I appreciate your contribution.
